If it's in the sea, it's on our list

Name EN:

Torpedo Prawns

Single image:


Ingredients EN:


Recipe EN:

Cooking instructions:

Cook the crispy crumbed prawns from frozen in a deep fryer for approx. 3 minutes until the prawns have become a golden brown colour. Serve with cocktail sauce and baguettes.


Se opskrift på dansk

Name DK:

Torpedo Rejer


Ingredients DK:


Recipe DK:


De sprødpanerede rejer steges fra frossen tilstand i friture i ca. 3 minutter indtil rejerne får en gyldenbrun farve. Serveres med cocktaildressing og lune flutes evt. med salat.



Nordic Seafood A/S

Søren Nordbysvej 15

DK 9850 Hirtshals

T: +45 9894 1533
E: mail@nordicseafood.com

CVR: 11142141

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